Get swept away by the zesty scent of fresh squeezed citrus fruits. Bursting with a citrus zest, this CBD Topical Salve has the unmistakable aroma of the Limonene terpene. Strenuous workout? Spent all day on your feet? Old pillow putting kinks in your neck? If any of these scenarios feel relatable, you want to soothe your body and bring pain relief into your life. Don’t just reach for a bottle of harsh on the stomach pain meds, treat your body like the temple it is! Give yourself the gift of a CBD rich topical solution.
- 2oz contains 250mg of CBD
Ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Vegetable Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Beeswax, Arnica Oil, Calendula Oil, Jojoba Oil, Lime Essential Oil, Hemp Derived CBD.
Suggested Use: Gently rub salve into skin until completely absorbed.